
Here I will attempt to keep a journal of things learned - or at least experienced - along the way on this journey called life.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Would you do it? Could you? #storyline

So - I hoped that they called me and they did!  and they interviewed me and they liked me and they offered me a job!  Yay!  I think... For some reason, today, I have been terrified!  This is what I've wanted and now that it's happening, I'm scared.  Sigh.  Just a big chicken.
I have to do it.  I have to I have to I have to.  I will.  It all happened so fast...
I learned at the #storyline conference I went to, that in order to force a story (my life, in this case), to turn a corner - there must be an 'inciting event'.  Something that makes the characters have to take action.  Sometimes at great personal cost.  Well, I think this is it.  The salary at this job is 30% less than I currently make.  The world will think I'm crazy.  I don't.  Would you take a 30% pay cut?  Could you?  To do work for an organization that you believed in?  That would free you up to do more in service to others?  And be way less stressful?  I've always believed in living debt-free, so yeah, I can do it.  I'll make a few adjustments, do away with some luxuries, rent out a room.  Yeah, I can do it.  And I know that God provides.  
I really don't know what I'm afraid of.  I believe in the values of this organization, in their mission - it so lines up with my own, and Gravity's.  I can do the job, I think I have just been focusing on the 'me' issue all day.  What if I don't get what I want/need (time off, my dental expenses paid for).  Trivial stuff, really.
Worse case scenario?  It doesn't work out - which forces another inciting event - and we get to go have another adventure.  Yeah, that's it, I've been looking at it all wrong.   I need to look at it as an adventure, and not be so dang worried about the details.
God's in control, not me.  Remember that, and you'll be OK.

1 comment:

  1. This is soooo exciting! I remember conversations we have had over the years about you wanting to follow your heart and how you felt so held back by the demands of your job. Welp, that's about to change and I can't wait to read the next chapter of your story cause your writing a great one!
