
Here I will attempt to keep a journal of things learned - or at least experienced - along the way on this journey called life.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Daily Love

I paraphrased this from a daily email I receive called the Daily Love. Reminds me of TrueFaced. Excited to be starting that study again next week.


The more time I spend on The Path, the more I realize how important it is to tell your truth.

There is a difference between telling your truth and saying anything that comes to your mind. Just because you have a thought, doesn't make it your truth. When I say how important it is to tell your truth, I'm not giving you permission to emotionally vomit on everyone you know. No.

What I'm talking about is the sacred duty you have to yourself, to God and to those that you Love, to be as honest, truthful and authentic about how you are feeling and what your heart TRULY believes about whatever you are going through.

People make themselves up to be something they are not to please other people and then wonder where the real Love, passion and magic IS!

You can only have the passion, the Love and the magic by being and sharing from your authentic self. When we settle or when we change ourselves to please other people, deep down we no longer cherish, honor and respect ourselves. And then WE TEACH other people how to treat us - by the way that we treat ourselves.

It's magic.

And here's the thing - if you have people in your life who are not okay with you being your authentic self and living truly from your heart and honoring and cherishing your empowerment, it's best to Love those folks from a far. Don't hold on to people because there is a small pay off of affection and attention because you are afraid nothing better is going to come along! NO!

Let them go. If you've never actually BEEN yourself, if you've never actually stepped into your authentic shoes, if you've never actually acted on the true Love that you have for yourself, then of course you won't think the world will bring you anything better - because you never allowed it to in the first place.

God can only give us that which we are able to receive, and if you've been settling for crumbs your whole life, then it makes sense to believe there is no feast coming. But that's total BULL. There IS a feast of Love and passion and magic available to you. But you first have to BE YOURSELF FULLY before that kind of rawness can find you.

And by the way, if someone doesn't accept you for who you are, WHY OH WHY are you holding on to him or her? You deserve Love. You deserve joy. You deserve the BEST that God and Life has to offer - so start treating yourself as if you do!

Who can you let go of today? How can you express your authentic self today? Who in your life can you accept more of today?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lent - Winding Down

It's Maundy Thursday. The day of the Last Supper. We're winding down. For a minute, I thought 'cool, it's almost here'. Then I remembered what 'it' was... It's sad - the beating, the crucifixion, the dying... We have to go through all that to get to Sunday - the good part. The awakening, the resurrecting, the redemption - the joy.

I remember a drama I saw in church once, where the devil was running around all creepy like in a black hood, jingling his keys - and the narrator kept saying - it's Friday - but Sunday's coming. Maybe it's a Carman song. Yeah, I think so.

Anyway, it's been good to read the devotionals, to (attempt to) be mindful of what this season means.

Tomorrow I get to attend a Good Friday Service and a Seder (a traditional Jewish passover meal). I think there will be meat at the Seder, but it's ok, it's the last night, and we will be remembering Jesus's last meal. I have never attended a Seder before, and I've always wanted to. I could go to my Jewish friend's family's but it's on Saturday and I'd miss church, so I will have to try for next year.

Here's a quote from Bob Goff - that man knows a lot about love:
@bobgoff If someone were planning to kill me, I wouldn't have my last dinner with them. Love somehow does.

God is good. This week has been trying, but I know that He is faithful, and I know that Sunday's coming.

Amen and amen,