
Here I will attempt to keep a journal of things learned - or at least experienced - along the way on this journey called life.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lent - Day (whatever)

OK, so I'm not sure which day it is. Thinking it doesn't really matter. I'm in a season, and here I will stay - until Easter...
I'm hanging in:

- no meat on Friday
that was easy.

- reading daily
OK, I could do more, but Thank God for that You Bible reminder on my phone!

- hitting my knees
It's awesome the things you (re-)learn from new Christians. Be diligent with your prayer life, get on your knees daily. It's such a good place to be.

- listening
It seems like everything I hear/read these days has to do with listening. We (I) really need to listen. Quiet, mind of mine! Be still and listen...

I read this today on Donald Miller's blog:
God bestows three blessings on man: to feed him like the birds, dress him like the flowers, and befriend him as a confidant. Too many take the first two and neglect the last.
Life is a dance toward God. And the dance is not so graceful as we might think. For a while we glide and swing our practiced sway, God crowds our feet, bumps our toes, and scuffs our shoes. He lowers His head, whispers soft and confident, “You will dance to the beat of ‘Amazing Grace’ or you will not dance at all.” So we learn to dance with the One who made us. And it is a taxing dance to learn.

But once learned, don’t we glide. And don’t we sway. And don’t we bury our head in His chest. And don’t we love to dance.

peace & love, tc

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